Monday, May 28, 2012

Khmer Cuisine 101

 If you were craving one last post about Cambodia after reading the Phnom Penh update, well then you're in luck.  We've talked to the manager and we were able to throw in one more for free.  Our last day in Phnom Penh was spent learning two staple Cambodian recipes - deep fried spring rolls and amok, a yellow curry dish steamed inside a banana leaf.  Our instructor was a cute French-trained 20-something year-old aspiring chef who is a self-proclaimed hater of Khmer cooking, but a lover of amok.

We started the class with a stroll through the local market to see where most restauranteurs get their supplies.  We say restauranteurs and not locals because as it turns out, most Cambodians do not cook at home.  EVER.  In fact, according to our guide, most don't even know how to cook and many apartments come without a kitchen space.  For those competent or brave enough to venture into the market, a plethora of colors, scents, and flavors await: 

Fresh Prodce At the Market


Some More Market Offerings

Spices and Grains

We got to prep, cook, and of course taste our delicious dishes, starting with the spring rolls.  We cut up taro-root and carrot strings and them rolled them up inside the spring roll paper (sort of like a blintz).  Once constructed, we fried our spring rolls to a delicious golden brown.  Here are some shots of the action:

Avi Being Schooled In the Art of the Spring Roll

The Spring Rolls Being Prepped:

And the Final Product:

Finally, we made the amok dish.  We first had to cut up our herbs and spices (some kefir lime leaves, tumeric, and a mild ginger root), and then grind them to a paste.  We then added the wet ingredients including kefir lime juice, red chilly paste, coconut milk and an egg.  Finally, we added the protein (tofu for the vegetarians and fish for the normal people) and steamed the entire mixture in a banana leaf bowl. 

The Amok Mise-en-Place
Rach Cutting Up the Curry Ingredients

Grinding Up the Ingredients

Our Instructor Cutting Out the Banana Leaf Bowls

The Curry Pre-Cooking
Building the Banana Leaf Bowls

A Double Dose of Amok

Enjoying the Fruits of Our Labor

Street Food Update:  While we're on the subject of food, we figured we'd talk a bit about the hearty and delicious fare at the Phnom Penh night market.  As expected, the market was stocked with stalls doling out cheap street food.  We particularly enjoyed some grilled corn with scallions and the most amazing fish-shaped waffle/pancake hybrids filled with chocolate syrup and sweet red bean paste:

We also visited the aforementioned supermarket where Rach indulged in one of her favorite snacks:

We did not, however, have the courage to splurge on $15 Haagen-Dazs ice cream:

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